Friday, February 8, 2013

Another Average Week

This week has just been an average week and that is the problem! I WANT SOME ACTION!!! (good love action) Haha lets be real here! ok, here is what i did :)

I baby-sat....LIKE ALWAYS.

I did Valentine Themed crafts with my siblings, fun fun!

I went to Culinary, and did an extra working event called "Empty Bowls" it was fun i guess, lol.

I went to dance! I have to get my headshot taken tomorrow and of course I'm breaking out :P wish me luck, I hope it turns out good....

I just made Spanikopia (Spinach Pie) it was pretty yummy!

I'm going to Caty's dance show tonight! I'm excited :D

I don't feel like writing anything because I wish more stuff was happening, grrrr I just need to trust in God, but it is sooo hard waiting and seeing other girls with their boyfriends and having young love, that is all I want. *sigh*

-E. Raupp 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Woah, It's February

How is it already February!? and I haven't posted in a week...WHOOPS ok, here I am to catch up!
Let's see....

On Thursday I went to Adoration and I left feeling great, I always feel great after Adoration :-) It really fills me with faith. (wow that sounds cheesy, haha)

At Culinary on Friday, Me and Emily went to dress out because the day before Chef said that we were going to be in the Kitchen. So after we are dressed we find out that we are taking our test before we dress out....sorta awkward but whatever, haha I am getting better and not being embarrassed AT everything....

I also forced myself to get off my butt and go to Friday class that night - and it turned out really well! I felt good during and after it, Adam told me good job! which sorta means a lot because usually he says nothing to me, sometimes I get compliments from Lisa but usually nothing from him, I also like to get corrections (not all the time) but it is good to know that they are watching you and want you to improve. Even though I don't love dance as much as I used to, I still have a fondness for it and lets face it, without it I'd be a fat slob!

I watched Snow white and the huntsmen on Friday and it was good!! WHY ARE THE HEMSWORTH BROTHERS SO ATTRACTIVE?! lolololol 

Saturday morning ballet......dragged on......haha because we were there for 5 hours and did not run as many dances as we could have! honestly, I understand that we had to do some costumes and stuff like that but WHY does Lisa always leave the room and we spend like 5min. between every dance we run and talk forever about how we need to improve and do well at competition when we should be practicing the dances to improve them! haha Oh jeez, don't get me started on that topic, I could go on forever! OH, They are bringing back the dance, Off the Hook and I didn't get in it......sorta disappointed and I can't help but feel that I didn't get in because of the size of my body. Ugh life is rough sometimes.

I babysat all 3 girls at Jerry's house on Saturday night and miraculously they came back at 10pm!! I was soooo happy, don't get me wrong, I like babysitting them but I HATE being out til 1-2am!

Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday! WOO lol my mom had Margaret (Uncle Mick's gf) and Mrs. Ret. and her daughter who is Margies age over. Margaret is so sweet and talks a lot! we had a lot of good food and I really liked Mrs. Ret. banana cake that she brought over. Oh, The Ravens won! not that I watched the game...haha i watched A Walk To Remember on my DVD player :)

Today I had no motivation to do my schoolwork....and sadly I did the bare minimum....GRRRR I just want it to be summer so I can have a break from school! but I do love the snow! we have been getting SO much lately! so pretty

I'll be off to dance in bit, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

- E. Raupp  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Hot Mess of a Morning

Oh. My. Goodness. This morning was sooooo stressful! so I was already tense about having to go find my teacher and have him sign my paper for my application that I needed for my Counselors  appointment this morning, and to top it off, THE CAR GOT STUCK AT THE TOP OF THE DRIVEWAY! the driveway was pure ice and the wheels were spinning and when I tried to go backwards I thought I was going to hit Caty's car! so I run inside to get Caty to move her car and wake up my mom and this whole time I am slipping on ice and falling and FREAKING OUT - I realized I don't behave very well during those types of situations! so John is telling me to shut up and I am helpless! my mom tries with no luck and then John claims he can do it, he knows how to! so we let him.....and HE DID IT!! he drove out to the road (after it cleared, it was SO busy) and drove the Lodi! I'll give him the credit that he knows how to drive but his breaking skills scared the crap out of me and he didn't know how to use his turn signal, he turned it on to go left instead of right and turned his brights on! Oh my! but I am VERY grateful for him because I was hopeless by myself! Oh the whole thing freaked me out and John said he was a bit shaky afterwards too....and then we both calm down (sorta) and then I notice my hand in covered in BLOOD! whattt!?!?! AHH I freaked out again, I was ready to go into school so John tells me to lick it...and i do! it was so nasty! luckily I had tissues and I held one onto to hand, a huge chunk of skin got scraped off, ouch! Thankfully we got to school before the warning bell rang and I was able to do everything I needed to do and my app. went fine and apparently I am taking the ACT on March 5th.....YAY more stress!

When I got home, I just needed to rest so I went in my bed and watched the Bachelor and then I did my school work (well I still have 1 more thing to bye!)

- E. Raupp

Monday, January 28, 2013


Ice days are happy days! I woke this morning to find out that Saline does NOT have school today because of the conditions of the road (icy) so that meant I didn't have Culinary Arts so I was able to get my school done by 10am :D and then I also found out that Dance was cancelled too! so I had a whole free day!

Me and John went to gamestop (for him) and then Mcdonalds, we found a giftcard in the mini van and it had like $1.12 on it so we went and bought a pop and a pie (which was more than 50 cents because we only got one)  and we had to use some change to pay for it and the lady was like, you can buy 2 for a dollar and John goes, I don't got that kind of money! HAHAHA He went in there, I didn't go because I had a feeling it would be embarrassing and it was...but now it is a funny story to tell! Then we went to the Dollar store and I bought pop tarts and John bought cereal. We then headed over to the library to pick up some movies and stuff - I love running little errands :)

My mom had been nagging me to do some crafts with the kids, as my "class" for my phone, so we made a zoo! it was pretty neat! here is a picture - 

THEN MADDIE CAME OVER!!!!! woohoo We made a snowman and named it bob! here is a picture - 
and then there is us looking SUPER hot in our snow gear! LOL We also watched the movie "The Wedding Planner" pretty good movie :) and then I did Maddie's hair in a sock bun....LOL FAIL because she has SO much hair! check it out - 
Sooooo massive! hahahaha

Now I am chilling on the laptop in the kitchen and will probably go to bed soon because my tummy

- E. Raupp

The Last Weekend In January

I just realized that this previous weekend was the last weekend in January! Crazy how a whole month has past already.....

Dance was good on Saturday, a lot of people were missing because they were at Velocity Dance Convention, I wish I could have gone but it is so much stinkin' money...Oh well STORY OF MY LIFE

Maddie couldn't sleepover so Kristen came instead, my mom said that is rude that she is my second choice, but I don't see it that way, I love both my friends! my mom needs to stop prying...
Me and Kristen watched the movie "What If" it was one of those movies that makes you really think about your life, I love that! We also made a Sugarplum Spice Cake, I was gonna post a pic but the image turned out very blurry when I downloaded it onto the computer...weird! Anyways when I woke up Sunday morning, I totally forgot for a second that Kristen slept over! LOL 

We went to Mass at Old St. Pat's and got donuts afterwards! YUMMY and then youth group was cancelled that day because of the bad weather, I wanted to go because it was pizza night...haha BUMMER

- E. Raupp

Friday, January 25, 2013


HOLLA! as you can tell from the title, today is Friday!!! and all I have left for school is writing a book analysis on Jo's Boys.....BUT I DON'T WANT TO :( so I am playing this game on facebook called "Song pop" they play a song and you guess it, you play it against people...pretty fun but boring after awhile! better than schoolwork though ;) I didn't have Culinary today....Idk why really, some teacher day or something, WHO knows! who cares! LOL I got my school done so much faster! but Culinary is definitely worth ittt

I had to cancel on my gma for today (Mary and Caty are going instead) because the Cot. asked me to come earlier than planned....MORE baby-sitting, what a shocker! 

I am attaching this photo onto my post today because today in Washington DC is the March for Life!! which I originally thought I would go to but then the Youth group decided to wait til next year (I'll go then). Abortion is seriously such a horrific action, I pray for the Babies and also those who choose to have an abortion, I hope they realize the evil they did and will come to God and repent.

My feet are so cold right now! LOL probably because it is freezing outside! we have been having brutally cold weather lately...I am also still in my jammies, haha WHOOPS, maybe I'll take a shower (not because I'm dirty but because I am COLD) I already showered last night, but who cares :)

Maddie might sleepover on Sat. night because Caty is doing other stuff and won't be home....We shall see if it works out!

Maybe I'll watch some Blimey Cow Videos.....heehehehehhee I don't want to write that stinkin' paper!!!

- E. Raupp

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

busy, Busy, BUSY

I have felt SO busy these past few days! thinking back, it wasn't too bad, but in the moment I felt STRESSED!  So here is what I did lately :)

Yesterday I went on a field trip with my Culinary class!! it was pretty pointless but fun! We went to Schoolcraft College and toured their Culinary program - It was very professional looking! Their baking program lasts 1 year...if my teaching career fails then maybe I'll do that! LOL I went on a school bus for the first time O.o crazy stuff! haha NOT like people make it sound it, it was totally normal. It is so funny to interact with public schoolers, Oh boyy

This morning I baby-sat the Claus. and then I baby-sat the Kop. this afternoon! SO much baby-sitting! ahhhh tomorrow I baby-sit the Cot. for the afternoon. I had to switch cleaning gma's to Friday because of it. I really need to get lots of money so I can pay for dance fees and I still want to buy my Ipad Mini this Spring!!!

SCHOOL WORK = STRESS.....but really! I didn't do school on Mon. or Tues. because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and then my field trip. So today between my two baby-sitting jobs and a bit right now, I squeezed in my school! thankfully I didn't have rehearsal this evening because it was for the Modern dancers. I did a little dance of joy when I found out because I really needed to spend the time doing stuff to catch up around here! 

I am going to Ballet and Pointe Class at 8:30pm tonight and apparently I have to go drop off some gloves/mittens at the Wat. house before, lol

Random fact - My hands still smell like playdough from baby-sitting....My mom is working out right now and Chris is reading a book, Oh by the way I am in the living room! and my mom is making me turn up her music on the laptop, it is blasting in my ears! haha

- E. Raupp