Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Hot Mess of a Morning

Oh. My. Goodness. This morning was sooooo stressful! so I was already tense about having to go find my teacher and have him sign my paper for my application that I needed for my Counselors  appointment this morning, and to top it off, THE CAR GOT STUCK AT THE TOP OF THE DRIVEWAY! the driveway was pure ice and the wheels were spinning and when I tried to go backwards I thought I was going to hit Caty's car! so I run inside to get Caty to move her car and wake up my mom and this whole time I am slipping on ice and falling and FREAKING OUT - I realized I don't behave very well during those types of situations! so John is telling me to shut up and I am helpless! my mom tries with no luck and then John claims he can do it, he knows how to! so we let him.....and HE DID IT!! he drove out to the road (after it cleared, it was SO busy) and drove the Lodi! I'll give him the credit that he knows how to drive but his breaking skills scared the crap out of me and he didn't know how to use his turn signal, he turned it on to go left instead of right and turned his brights on! Oh my! but I am VERY grateful for him because I was hopeless by myself! Oh the whole thing freaked me out and John said he was a bit shaky afterwards too....and then we both calm down (sorta) and then I notice my hand in covered in BLOOD! whattt!?!?! AHH I freaked out again, I was ready to go into school so John tells me to lick it...and i do! it was so nasty! luckily I had tissues and I held one onto to hand, a huge chunk of skin got scraped off, ouch! Thankfully we got to school before the warning bell rang and I was able to do everything I needed to do and my app. went fine and apparently I am taking the ACT on March 5th.....YAY more stress!

When I got home, I just needed to rest so I went in my bed and watched the Bachelor and then I did my school work (well I still have 1 more thing to finish....so bye!)

- E. Raupp

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