Thursday, January 3, 2013

And so it begins....


I decided to start this blog today because I'm on winter break and am looking for stuff to do. It is the new year! I hope that this year is a good year for me, I have a feeling it will be extremely glorious! this blog (if I keep it up) will consist of my thoughts and random feelings throughout 2013, My wish is that it is very interesting and will be fun to read during and at the end of this year. This is going to be a sort of journal for me, nothing too personal - obviously because it is on the internet! hahaha :) 

Well the new year started off by hosting the Raupp Christmas Party at our house!! crazy as it sounds it turned out great! it was such a fun day to see all my family and to laugh with them about nonsense! 
And  now 2 days later Ben and Margie started throwing up and other stuff....GROSS but even though they are sick they are still running throughout the house annoying us all. Some things never change ;)

Today I am going to Grandma's house to clean it with Mary, since she is on break she is coming with me! which will be fun because I usually run out of things to talk
I'm also waiting for the 108 pictures I ordered to come in the mail (even though I ordered them yesterday....along with the bracelets that I ordered for me and my friends for Christmas, that I ordered over a month ago, HOW OBNOXIOUS. 

I hope I can keep up with my new years resolution...well resolutions! My main one is to be super joyful all the time and to stop complaining, even if I am just being sarcastic...Wish me luck! (even though I'm pretty sure that NO one is ever going to read this blog but me)

- E. Raupp 

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