Friday, January 4, 2013

Chocolates & Baby-sitting

It is 8am right now and I am sitting in the kitchen on the laptop eating a few frozen chocolates that grandma gave us because papa's new year resolution was to go on a diet...But as Mary put it, "More like Grandma's new year resolution!" lol My favorites are the ones with carmel inside! Mom said I shouldn't eat them because first she thinks I will throw them up, but I feel fine! (Caty threw up last night O.o) and then because it makes my skin worse, I've been very pimplely lately.....UGH Oh well

What is on the agenda today? Let's see - Today I am baby-sitting Madison and Gabriella C* starting at 10am and going til 3:30pm....Caty baby-sat them yesterday and she was supposed to take them to Yoast Arena to ice-skate but didn't want to so she said that maybe I could take them today... -_- I don't think I'm going to drive all the way there to ice-skate when I have an ice-rink in my back yard! haha I hope today goes by fast and is nice and pleasant. I plan on going sledding at the Lake down the big hill! woohoo

Oh my goodness, we just turned on my radio (which is left in the kitchen from Christmas) and are playing Justin Beiber's Beauty and a Beast! lol and we all started acting goofy...
My mom and me are going out to Conner O'neils to get fish and chips for my birthday....well we were supposed to go out today but I have to baby-sit so I guess we will go sometime next week!

I'm quite proud of myself for keeping this up faithfully...for now :)
-E. Raupp

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