Monday, January 14, 2013

A busy weekend makes for a busy week

This past weekend was full of stuff and I forgot to write a post! so here I go to catch up! 

Saturday morning started with Ballet and Pointe Class and I dealt with the "drama" happening between my friends, there always seem to be something, haha...

My grandparents took Mary, Caty and I out to eat at Carlyle, I got a barbecue chicken pizza :) and then we saw Les Mis....OH MY GOSH! it was such an incredible movie! I really enjoyed it, so did everyone else! I can't wait until it comes out to DVD.

I went to Mass at St. Andrew's on Sunday and then went to Sunday Class right afterwards. Only 5 people showed up and it was such an invigorating class! I felt like I got a lot out of it, I've been trying to live life from this quote that the priest said at Mass a few weeks ago and I find that it relates to all in life. "You only get as much as you bring" It is so true!

Maddie came over after dance on Sunday and we talked alot and watched the movie Grease - it was fun, I love her! even though we argue 24/7 :D hahahaha

There was youth group last night but I didn't feel like going...My mom tried to force me and used her reason of me needing to find a young man......UMMM not from there, no thanks! sorry but they all seem to be quite nerdy....Oh boy but I do hope to find someone soon.... ;) I realize that I make too many "....." haha Oh well!

I am currently listening to "Go your own way" by Lissie, such a good song!! I can't help but try to think of songs I can use for my senior is a year away only!!! so crazy...I have a few ideas, but I cannot commit to any.

My mom made a strange lunch, rice with chicken and then put Fettichini sauce over it....It was surprisingly tasty! 

I feel like these posts are quite pointless but I truly feel like something good is about to happen and I cannot wait until that day comes......Til then, I keep my faith and trust in God <3

- E. Raupp

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