Friday, January 25, 2013


HOLLA! as you can tell from the title, today is Friday!!! and all I have left for school is writing a book analysis on Jo's Boys.....BUT I DON'T WANT TO :( so I am playing this game on facebook called "Song pop" they play a song and you guess it, you play it against people...pretty fun but boring after awhile! better than schoolwork though ;) I didn't have Culinary today....Idk why really, some teacher day or something, WHO knows! who cares! LOL I got my school done so much faster! but Culinary is definitely worth ittt

I had to cancel on my gma for today (Mary and Caty are going instead) because the Cot. asked me to come earlier than planned....MORE baby-sitting, what a shocker! 

I am attaching this photo onto my post today because today in Washington DC is the March for Life!! which I originally thought I would go to but then the Youth group decided to wait til next year (I'll go then). Abortion is seriously such a horrific action, I pray for the Babies and also those who choose to have an abortion, I hope they realize the evil they did and will come to God and repent.

My feet are so cold right now! LOL probably because it is freezing outside! we have been having brutally cold weather lately...I am also still in my jammies, haha WHOOPS, maybe I'll take a shower (not because I'm dirty but because I am COLD) I already showered last night, but who cares :)

Maddie might sleepover on Sat. night because Caty is doing other stuff and won't be home....We shall see if it works out!

Maybe I'll watch some Blimey Cow Videos.....heehehehehhee I don't want to write that stinkin' paper!!!

- E. Raupp

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