Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Hot Mess of a Morning

Oh. My. Goodness. This morning was sooooo stressful! so I was already tense about having to go find my teacher and have him sign my paper for my application that I needed for my Counselors  appointment this morning, and to top it off, THE CAR GOT STUCK AT THE TOP OF THE DRIVEWAY! the driveway was pure ice and the wheels were spinning and when I tried to go backwards I thought I was going to hit Caty's car! so I run inside to get Caty to move her car and wake up my mom and this whole time I am slipping on ice and falling and FREAKING OUT - I realized I don't behave very well during those types of situations! so John is telling me to shut up and I am helpless! my mom tries with no luck and then John claims he can do it, he knows how to! so we let him.....and HE DID IT!! he drove out to the road (after it cleared, it was SO busy) and drove the Lodi! I'll give him the credit that he knows how to drive but his breaking skills scared the crap out of me and he didn't know how to use his turn signal, he turned it on to go left instead of right and turned his brights on! Oh my! but I am VERY grateful for him because I was hopeless by myself! Oh the whole thing freaked me out and John said he was a bit shaky afterwards too....and then we both calm down (sorta) and then I notice my hand in covered in BLOOD! whattt!?!?! AHH I freaked out again, I was ready to go into school so John tells me to lick it...and i do! it was so nasty! luckily I had tissues and I held one onto to hand, a huge chunk of skin got scraped off, ouch! Thankfully we got to school before the warning bell rang and I was able to do everything I needed to do and my app. went fine and apparently I am taking the ACT on March 5th.....YAY more stress!

When I got home, I just needed to rest so I went in my bed and watched the Bachelor and then I did my school work (well I still have 1 more thing to finish....so bye!)

- E. Raupp

Monday, January 28, 2013


Ice days are happy days! I woke this morning to find out that Saline does NOT have school today because of the conditions of the road (icy) so that meant I didn't have Culinary Arts so I was able to get my school done by 10am :D and then I also found out that Dance was cancelled too! so I had a whole free day!

Me and John went to gamestop (for him) and then Mcdonalds, we found a giftcard in the mini van and it had like $1.12 on it so we went and bought a pop and a pie (which was more than 50 cents because we only got one)  and we had to use some change to pay for it and the lady was like, you can buy 2 for a dollar and John goes, I don't got that kind of money! HAHAHA He went in there, I didn't go because I had a feeling it would be embarrassing and it was...but now it is a funny story to tell! Then we went to the Dollar store and I bought pop tarts and John bought cereal. We then headed over to the library to pick up some movies and stuff - I love running little errands :)

My mom had been nagging me to do some crafts with the kids, as my "class" for my phone, so we made a zoo! it was pretty neat! here is a picture - 

THEN MADDIE CAME OVER!!!!! woohoo We made a snowman and named it bob! here is a picture - 
and then there is us looking SUPER hot in our snow gear! LOL We also watched the movie "The Wedding Planner" pretty good movie :) and then I did Maddie's hair in a sock bun....LOL FAIL because she has SO much hair! check it out - 
Sooooo massive! hahahaha

Now I am chilling on the laptop in the kitchen and will probably go to bed soon because my tummy hurts...boo

- E. Raupp

The Last Weekend In January

I just realized that this previous weekend was the last weekend in January! Crazy how a whole month has past already.....

Dance was good on Saturday, a lot of people were missing because they were at Velocity Dance Convention, I wish I could have gone but it is so much stinkin' money...Oh well STORY OF MY LIFE

Maddie couldn't sleepover so Kristen came instead, my mom said that is rude that she is my second choice, but I don't see it that way, I love both my friends! my mom needs to stop prying...
Me and Kristen watched the movie "What If" it was one of those movies that makes you really think about your life, I love that! We also made a Sugarplum Spice Cake, I was gonna post a pic but the image turned out very blurry when I downloaded it onto the computer...weird! Anyways when I woke up Sunday morning, I totally forgot for a second that Kristen slept over! LOL 

We went to Mass at Old St. Pat's and got donuts afterwards! YUMMY and then youth group was cancelled that day because of the bad weather, I wanted to go because it was pizza night...haha BUMMER

- E. Raupp

Friday, January 25, 2013


HOLLA! as you can tell from the title, today is Friday!!! and all I have left for school is writing a book analysis on Jo's Boys.....BUT I DON'T WANT TO :( so I am playing this game on facebook called "Song pop" they play a song and you guess it, you play it against people...pretty fun but boring after awhile! better than schoolwork though ;) I didn't have Culinary today....Idk why really, some teacher day or something, WHO knows! who cares! LOL I got my school done so much faster! but Culinary is definitely worth ittt

I had to cancel on my gma for today (Mary and Caty are going instead) because the Cot. asked me to come earlier than planned....MORE baby-sitting, what a shocker! 

I am attaching this photo onto my post today because today in Washington DC is the March for Life!! which I originally thought I would go to but then the Youth group decided to wait til next year (I'll go then). Abortion is seriously such a horrific action, I pray for the Babies and also those who choose to have an abortion, I hope they realize the evil they did and will come to God and repent.

My feet are so cold right now! LOL probably because it is freezing outside! we have been having brutally cold weather lately...I am also still in my jammies, haha WHOOPS, maybe I'll take a shower (not because I'm dirty but because I am COLD) I already showered last night, but who cares :)

Maddie might sleepover on Sat. night because Caty is doing other stuff and won't be home....We shall see if it works out!

Maybe I'll watch some Blimey Cow Videos.....heehehehehhee I don't want to write that stinkin' paper!!!

- E. Raupp

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

busy, Busy, BUSY

I have felt SO busy these past few days! thinking back, it wasn't too bad, but in the moment I felt STRESSED!  So here is what I did lately :)

Yesterday I went on a field trip with my Culinary class!! it was pretty pointless but fun! We went to Schoolcraft College and toured their Culinary program - It was very professional looking! Their baking program lasts 1 year...if my teaching career fails then maybe I'll do that! LOL I went on a school bus for the first time O.o crazy stuff! haha NOT like people make it sound it, it was totally normal. It is so funny to interact with public schoolers, Oh boyy

This morning I baby-sat the Claus. and then I baby-sat the Kop. this afternoon! SO much baby-sitting! ahhhh tomorrow I baby-sit the Cot. for the afternoon. I had to switch cleaning gma's to Friday because of it. I really need to get lots of money so I can pay for dance fees and I still want to buy my Ipad Mini this Spring!!!

SCHOOL WORK = STRESS.....but really! I didn't do school on Mon. or Tues. because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and then my field trip. So today between my two baby-sitting jobs and a bit right now, I squeezed in my school! thankfully I didn't have rehearsal this evening because it was for the Modern dancers. I did a little dance of joy when I found out because I really needed to spend the time doing stuff to catch up around here! 

I am going to Ballet and Pointe Class at 8:30pm tonight and apparently I have to go drop off some gloves/mittens at the Wat. house before, lol

Random fact - My hands still smell like playdough from baby-sitting....My mom is working out right now and Chris is reading a book, Oh by the way I am in the living room! and my mom is making me turn up her music on the laptop, it is blasting in my ears! haha

- E. Raupp

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday & Monday

So yesterday we hosted a skating party at our house, it was cold and windy but it turned out to be a hit! We had 4 families over and it was very LOUD! haha fun but also very hectic! Kristen had to leave early because of youth group and Maddie also left kinda early, but then Me and Mary watched the movie "Super 8" it was a bit scary but I'm fine now...LOL There were some drunk people, I won't name names but GEEZ it got a bit annoying and they were even louder than the kids!

This morning, I didn't have Culinary because it is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day but my mom had the bright idea of making my eye-doctor app. at 8am this morning! It was fine, Bruce is SO funny! omg, The best was when he said that my uggs looked like house slippers!! 

SO MUCH SNOW!! Yesterday, it was completely bare outside yesterday and now we have tons of snow! driving was pretty crazy - I slid a bit on my way to and from baby-sitting...There is another story! So Jess originally asked me to baby-sit for M and G today and so I go there and NO one is home.....I call them...no answers at first, finally get ahold of them and She almost makes it sound like it was my mistake! not cool. On a side note, all this snow might make for a snow day for dance?!? that'd be pretty nice for a day off! I hope Culinary isn't cancelled tomorrow because we are going on a field trip :D

Me and John made Brownies in a mug in the microwave and they turned out...Ummmm, not very good! Haha it looked good and the texture was good but it didn't taste sweet enough! fun experience though :)

My mom said I didn't have to do school today, so I didn't but I feel kinda guilty! hahaha I will have some catching up to do tomorrow...JOY

- E. Raupp 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Missing an arm?

It sorta looks like my other arm is missing.....AWKWARD
I took this picture on New Years Day before I went to Mass :)
P.S. I am not wearing any make-up in this picture

SPEAKING of missing an arm - today while John was in Speedway Gas Station, there was this trucker dude with half his arm missing...pretty cool! and on the Bachelor, there is this girl who was born with half an arm! crazy

-E. Raupp


Thank God Its FRIDAYYYY - but really!!! Yay for the weekend :)
Alrighty, let's see what has happened lately.....

Grandma canceled on me because she had a bad headache, poor gma :( so I'll be cleaning her house next Thursday....AND THEN today the C* canceled on me too! Jerry picked them up early - and they called me as I was driving over, but Jessica said she will pay me for an hour..so yay!

I have gone to Busch's 3 times in the past 2 days! Once to get batteries for dad, then the next day for cheese for lasagna and then later in the day to get Caty's dove soap - LOL at least I get to eat their yummy donuts!

Me, John and Caty watched SWEENY TODD - omg I loved it! even with all the blood and stuff it was great!

Dance is at 9am tomorrow....JOY haha at least I am a morning person! 

So my mom just texted me saying that we are having a skating party at our house this Sunday at 3pm....COOL

I realized that i use too many "!" and "....." SORRY PEOPLE
-E. Raupp

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

When I procrastinate...

When I should be doing school but don't feel like it....this is what I do, BAKE!!! I made Coffee Marble Cake, Tea Muffins and Amish Biscuits this afternoon when I should of been doing my World History Test, haha WHOOPS :)

I didn't have to baby-sit the K* kids today because they are on vacation this week. Yesterday I baby-sat Gabriella all day starting at 9:15 after Culinary because she banged her injured hand and couldn't sleep...Basically we watched TV all day! I watched more True Jackson VP episodes than I cared for, haha

So apparently John took $10 from me without me knowing so I took him to the bank this afternoon to get my money back and then we went to Speedway and I got a shulshie and now my mouth is blue! Oh and I got gum :D

I'm off to Wednesday rehearsal and then Ballet and Pointe in a little bit....I did my hair with a french braid into a bun :)

Tomorrow I am going to my grandma's house to clean it and I'll probably stop at Adoration at St. Andrew's too!

- E. Raupp

Monday, January 14, 2013

A busy weekend makes for a busy week

This past weekend was full of stuff and I forgot to write a post! so here I go to catch up! 

Saturday morning started with Ballet and Pointe Class and I dealt with the "drama" happening between my friends, there always seem to be something, haha...

My grandparents took Mary, Caty and I out to eat at Carlyle, I got a barbecue chicken pizza :) and then we saw Les Mis....OH MY GOSH! it was such an incredible movie! I really enjoyed it, so did everyone else! I can't wait until it comes out to DVD.

I went to Mass at St. Andrew's on Sunday and then went to Sunday Class right afterwards. Only 5 people showed up and it was such an invigorating class! I felt like I got a lot out of it, I've been trying to live life from this quote that the priest said at Mass a few weeks ago and I find that it relates to all in life. "You only get as much as you bring" It is so true!

Maddie came over after dance on Sunday and we talked alot and watched the movie Grease - it was fun, I love her! even though we argue 24/7 :D hahahaha

There was youth group last night but I didn't feel like going...My mom tried to force me and used her reason of me needing to find a young man......UMMM not from there, no thanks! sorry but they all seem to be quite nerdy....Oh boy but I do hope to find someone soon.... ;) I realize that I make too many "....." haha Oh well!

I am currently listening to "Go your own way" by Lissie, such a good song!! I can't help but try to think of songs I can use for my senior solo...it is a year away only!!! so crazy...I have a few ideas, but I cannot commit to any.

My mom made a strange lunch, rice with chicken and then put Fettichini sauce over it....It was surprisingly tasty! 

I feel like these posts are quite pointless but I truly feel like something good is about to happen and I cannot wait until that day comes......Til then, I keep my faith and trust in God <3

- E. Raupp

Friday, January 11, 2013

Breakfast for lunch & chapped lips

I made my family breakfast for lunch at the request of my mother - they all seemed to enjoy it, my favorite was the french toast! I don't like most other breakfast foods.....

My lips are sooooo chapped but i am too lazy to get off my bed and grab my chapstick, OK I have a reason for being lazy! I am sick! My nose is runny, I cough and my throat hurts...AND MY LIPS ARE BURNING. boo sad face! omg I just got up and put on some chapstick and brought it back with me so I can reapply when needed :D

So Maddie, MY BFF, is telling me about how she just sits around and thinks about 1D and she is shocked that I don't do that anymore (because I used to) and as sorry as I am to say it, I am not as obsessed with One Direction as I used to be, don't get me wrong, I think they are sooo hot and I LOVE their music and their posters are still on my wall but I am not sitting around dreaming about them....Anyways, I think Maddie is coming over on Sunday! woohoo!

Today my name got called over the loudspeaker at school, LOL they gave me a packet with papers to fill out for next year and told me that I have a meeting with my counsler to set things up in 2 weeks.

- E. Raupp

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Un-RIVALed Refreshment and more

I don't really know what that title means but that's what my speedway slushy cup says on it! LOL I went to Adoration today for 30min. and afterwards I got a slushy because my throat hurts and I keep coughing! but it made me SUPER cold and gave me brain freeze while I was driving! but it was definitely worth it - I even snapped a picture of me with it on the webcam when I got 
home...enjoy! P.S. It was Coke flavored :)

Yesterday I baby-sat the K* for the first time since Christmas break, they are so sweet! When I arrived there, Sophia was dressed in her bathing suit....in January...haha she is too funny! Here is a picture of John Paul with his sunglasses, he kept laughing as he wore them!

I am currently facebook chatting with Caty and Maddie (separately) Caty is on break at school and Maddie is putting up an album of her New York Trip - So jealous, she got a brand new coach purse!!!

Dance has been going pretty good, except for the fact that I have to not only pay for myself but also for Margie because LADM costs so much.....ugh and then Lisa lectures us about how we need to work harder because we need to make our parent's money worth it, well what if its our money, jeez, it is so annoying how people assume stuff - like Oh my life is SO easy...you don't know anything.

Haha sorry to rant! Ok, I'm off to baby-sit the C* in less than 2 hours - Peace out!

- E. Raupp

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In the heater house

Here I am chilling in the heater house after ice-skating all by myself on a pleasant Tuesday afternoon. I'm not wearing any make-up in this pic (Not even chapstick) LOL I feel that you don't need to wear make-up on an everyday basis! it is not needed, I like to wear it on fancy occasions or if I have an urge to, so many girls cake on their make-sup every single day and it is not necessary at all.

My mom is making yummy chicken right now and I am going to eat some before I go baby-sit the C* in 45min. I made lunch today - normal spaghetti, garlic spaghetti, sausages, and pinapple chunks - LOL classic lunch at the Raupp house :)

I'm still feeling a tad bit sick - I have never thrown up but I just feel sorta icky! thankfully Benny is a lot better and everyone else seems fine too i guess. Oh apparently dad came home from work early because he felt sick or something, Idk I didn't get the whole story!

- E. Raupp 

Monday, January 7, 2013

At the Library

I am currently at the Library on their computer! LOL today is Monday so I had tap class at 4pm and Molly wasn't there so i ate dinner and read the book I brought and then got very bored so decided to go to the library and use their internet access and such :)

I feel kinda sick......I hope I don't throw up tonight! especially because Becca is coming to rehearsal to clean up her production peice....YIKES! Poor Benny just can't seem to get rid of the flu and it scares me that all the germs are still at and growing in our house!

The first day back to Culinary went well and schoolwork today was good too! I had a lot to do and got it all done with time to spare before dance! pats on the back for me :D


Maddie is in New York right now....NOT FAIR! lol tomorrow is her 16th birthday and her dad took her to New York for it and she is going to go out to fancy restaurants and go shopping AND see the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway! LUCKY DUCK! well at least I have already seen the Phantom of the Opera play at the Detroit Opera house a few years back, but she said that seeing it on broadway is even better....HUMPH heheehe we always argue! it is what we do!

I still have quite a bit of time to burn before returning to the dance studio...What to do....What to do, maybe I'll look for some movies or something....

-E. Raupp

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I don't know what to write...

I can't phrase everything I want to say! ugh so frustrating - I have so many thoughts in my head but it won't go onto the computer the way I want it to! I wrote and rewrote this post 3 times...OK so here we go!

I went to Mass twice today- First, this morning at 9:30am at St. Andrew's with Margie and then at 5pm with Mary at St. Mary's because she didn't want to go alone and I don't mind going to Mass more than once! It felt very nice receiving Christ twice :) Oh there was a Baptism at St. Mary's and it was so lovely to watch!

BIG disappointment happened this afternoon, Gma and Papa called canceling going out to dinner and seeing Les Mes because Grandma felt sick.....Oh well, they said we will try next weekend....

My pictures came in the mail and I arranged them very nicely on my bulletin board!! I LOVE looking at all the pictures of the people I love, so many good memories from 2012...and I hope I have even better memories from 2013! 

Kristen came over yesterday and we went ice-skating and watched a funny movie called, How to lose a guy in 10 days - It had some funny parts! LOL but of course it leaves me waiting for my prince to comeeeeee *sigh*

I made a Kings crown cake today because it is the Feast of the Epiphany! the prune (we used instead of a nut) was cut in half and John and Tom both got it! Very funny - Dad made us sing "We Three Kings"

Tomorrow is the first day back of everything since Christmas Break! I am most excited to go back to Culinary! School work...ehh not as much but not terrible - working towards my goal of graduation gives me the strength to finish it all and get good grades so I get into Eastern :D Surprisingly  I have not missed dance as much as I used to...I found myself dancing quite frequently in the kitchen but I didn't really think about going to dance, it will be fun though to go back and see my friends and get back into shape after all those Christmas cookies...hahaha WHOOPS 

Ok, I think I successfully stated everything....probably not - I'll most likely remember more stuff I should of said later tonight as I lay in bed, Oh well 

- E. Raupp 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weddings ~ Finger Cuts ~ Boggle ~ Mail

So this (beautiful Saturday) morning, I started my day by watching the show 4 Weddings on my mom's laptop in the comfort of my bed! I like to watch that show from time to time, but it always leaves me wanting to be married EVEN more! UGH *sigh* Besides the fact of how fun a wedding is, everything else involved is simply amazingggggggg I cannot wait until I find my soul mate! 

OMG so last night while making dinner I cut my finger :( BOO it started bleeding and my mom could not stop laughing at me....because I started making noises of me being in pain and then stated how I would probably have to wear a band-aid and a stupid glove for Culinary, Oh boyy

Me, Caty and my Mommy played boggle last night because we were SO bored! Caty won then my mom and then me.... AWKWARD lol

 MY PICTURES THAT I ORDERED SHOULD BE COMING IN THE MAIL TODAY! heehee sorry for the caps lock but I am really excited for them to come! I am going to redo my bullition board in my room, Caty picked up some more tacks for it! I tracked it online and it is coming on the Fedex truck today! woohoo

Oh by the way, if there are spelling mistakes...My Apologies! I don't feel like going through and proof reading all my posts! 

- E. Raupp

What I do when I'm bored...

Have you ever seen such a sassy little boy?! He is seriously too cute! So yes, this is what I enjoy doing! Taking photo-shoots of my little baby brother! I love doing his hair and putting on cute outfits and taking (too many) pictures of him! The one where he looks angry, he was actually getting annoyed with me! don't get me wrong, I always ask him if he wants to do this and he wholeheartedly agrees but halfway through he gets bored....LOVE HIM!

-E. Raupp

Skating Adventures

Below is two pictures (obviously) The first one is Madison, Me, Gabriella, Margie and Mady on the ice-rink and then on the right is little Chrissy in the heater house!
The girls insisted on ice-skating so I took them to my house instead of yoast and it was fun, they claimed that they didn't have enough time even though we skated for almost an hour! When I was just naturally talking to Chris as I always do, Madison says, "The way you talk to him is kinda weird" I guess because I show him SO much affection because he is my favorite :)

- E. Raupp

Friday, January 4, 2013

Chocolates & Baby-sitting

It is 8am right now and I am sitting in the kitchen on the laptop eating a few frozen chocolates that grandma gave us because papa's new year resolution was to go on a diet...But as Mary put it, "More like Grandma's new year resolution!" lol My favorites are the ones with carmel inside! Mom said I shouldn't eat them because first she thinks I will throw them up, but I feel fine! (Caty threw up last night O.o) and then because it makes my skin worse, I've been very pimplely lately.....UGH Oh well

What is on the agenda today? Let's see - Today I am baby-sitting Madison and Gabriella C* starting at 10am and going til 3:30pm....Caty baby-sat them yesterday and she was supposed to take them to Yoast Arena to ice-skate but didn't want to so she said that maybe I could take them today... -_- I don't think I'm going to drive all the way there to ice-skate when I have an ice-rink in my back yard! haha I hope today goes by fast and is nice and pleasant. I plan on going sledding at the Lake down the big hill! woohoo

Oh my goodness, we just turned on my radio (which is left in the kitchen from Christmas) and are playing Justin Beiber's Beauty and a Beast! lol and we all started acting goofy...
My mom and me are going out to Conner O'neils to get fish and chips for my birthday....well we were supposed to go out today but I have to baby-sit so I guess we will go sometime next week!

I'm quite proud of myself for keeping this up faithfully...for now :)
-E. Raupp

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cousins and Brother

Here are my two Cousins - Christina and Elizabeth - This picture really shows their fun personalities! I snapped this photo at the Raupp Party :)

Here is Chris and Me playing in the snow! not the best picture of either of us but we had a jolly good time sledding (for about 10min.) and I also taught him how to make snow angels, he called mine a big mama angel and his was the baby angel! lol - I love him so much!

I think I'm going to try to post some pictures as often as possible this year! it will be nice to remember these times even if they are such small little events in my life.... I want to remember them all :)
- E. Raupp

And so it begins....


I decided to start this blog today because I'm on winter break and am looking for stuff to do. It is the new year! 2013....wow I hope that this year is a good year for me, I have a feeling it will be extremely glorious! this blog (if I keep it up) will consist of my thoughts and random feelings throughout 2013, My wish is that it is very interesting and will be fun to read during and at the end of this year. This is going to be a sort of journal for me, nothing too personal - obviously because it is on the internet! hahaha :) 

Well the new year started off by hosting the Raupp Christmas Party at our house!! crazy as it sounds it turned out great! it was such a fun day to see all my family and to laugh with them about nonsense! 
And  now 2 days later Ben and Margie started throwing up and other stuff....GROSS but even though they are sick they are still running throughout the house annoying us all. Some things never change ;)

Today I am going to Grandma's house to clean it with Mary, since she is on break she is coming with me! which will be fun because I usually run out of things to talk about.....lol
I'm also waiting for the 108 pictures I ordered to come in the mail (even though I ordered them yesterday....along with the bracelets that I ordered for me and my friends for Christmas, that I ordered over a month ago, HOW OBNOXIOUS. 

I hope I can keep up with my new years resolution...well resolutions! My main one is to be super joyful all the time and to stop complaining, even if I am just being sarcastic...Wish me luck! (even though I'm pretty sure that NO one is ever going to read this blog but me)

- E. Raupp